Leads Provided.....10-20 Leads/Month
Lets face it..The days of door knocking, cold calling and stuffing mailboxes have become a thing of the past. Most consumers Buyers/Sellers go to the internet first to start thier real estate research. When they reach the point that they need help an agent steps in. Florida Propererty Brokers Realty Group removes the guessing game and costs associated with lead generation, so that the agent can concentrate on building relationships and closing transactions. Most of our Agents typically do a minimum of 2 transactions per month and for the Agents that are fully committed 8-10 transactions per month.

CRM Provided...Follow up Boss!
What is a CRM? Customer relationship management (CRM) is a technology for managing all your company’s relationships and interactions with customers and potential customers. Follow up Boss is one of the best crm’s it allows you to follow up faster, more often, and with the leads and clients most likely to convert into sales and revenue. Agents will be provided with the App and access to Followup boss on thier computer. Agents can Call, Video Text/Text, and Email directly from Follow up Boss!!!!
Onboarding and Training provided!!
At Florida Property Brokers Realty Group we feel that getting started on the right foot is extremly important!! Onboarding is a 2 day class, live via zoom, the onboard trainer will make sure that you are off to a successful start, Welcoming you to the company, reviewing our HR program, CRM and tranactional software. The Onboader will answer all your questions and provide tips for success!! FULL Broker Support…The Broker and Success Coaches are always available for any questions that you may have.

Technology we use
CRM Provided!!
Follow Up Boss
CRM Provided!! We use Follow up Boss CRM and provide accounts to all of our agents. Follow up Boss makes real estate lead conversion and sales follow up more efficient and automated resulting in our agents making more sales and having the capacity to grow their business in a calm and organized way. Follow Up Boss enables agents to deliver an incredible customer experience, at the speed and volume that today’s real estate businesses require.
PaperLess Transactions!! ZipForms Plus
Advanced Technology + Practical Simplicity Maximize efficiency, streamline workflows and reduce risk with the essential forms software used by hundreds of thousands of real estate professionals nationwide and beyond, powered with the latest functionality and features designedto keep industry professionals at the center of every transaction.Advanced technology meets practical simplicity in Transactions (zipForm Edition)
AI used to identify potential Sellers/ Likely.AI
Discover the Power of Pre-Market Artificial Intelligence Our patented Pre-Market AI is the ultimate cheat code for your real estate business! It’s innovative AI and monitoring tech predicts likely sellers, updates missing contact info, and even triggers automated notifications so you never miss an opportunity again. Put simply, it will ensure you’re first to know when your contacts need your help with real estate.
Paperless Transactions Advanced Technology + Practical Simplicity
We Provide ZipForms Plus 100% Paperless
We use ZipForms Plus for our transactional Managment program. It is provided to all our agents and is 100% paperless. Advanced Technology + Practical Simplicity Maximize efficiency, streamline workflows and reduce risk with the essential forms software used by hundreds of thousands of real estate professionals nationwide and beyond, powered with the latest functionality and features designed to keep industry professionals at the center of every transaction.Advanced technology meets practical simplicity in Transactions (zipForm Edition)..Got a new transaction on the go? You could manually enter all your listing details—or you could let MLS-Connect do it for you. Just log in, enter the listing ID, and watch MLS listing information show up in your transactions!
WE provide the Follow Up Boss (CRM) App as Well as Computer Access ....to make agent lead Follow up Easier and more efficient!..Never Miss a Lead!!
Follow up Boss has Apps for Smart iOS and Android.
*Put your entire CRM in your pocket
*Receive your leads on the go!!!
*Make, receive and track calls and texts
*Access detailed lead data.
*Capture notes & collaborate with your team
*Send and receive Emails
*Video Text from the app as well!!
Complete commission Transparency.
All Fees are clear you will never be surprised!! We believe the agent should keep more of thier commission and receive thier commission check at the closing table. Please see Associate Expenses.
Associate Expenses
Upon beginning affiliation with Florida Property Brokers Realty Group LLC Associates will be assigned a Monthly fee depending the plan they pick . A monthly fee is charged at signup and will be charged monthly on the associates start date. Plans described below.
$99/ Month Basic Plan
INCLUDES 100% commission (Pay at Closing Only Fee) See fee schedule below. 10-20 Leads per Month (Buyers and Sellers) Referral Fee 40% for Leads provided 40% Deals 1-10 35% Deals 11+ Follow up boss (CRM) Zipforms plus(Transaction Mgmt) E/O Insurance ISA's ( Inbound Sales Associates) Call, Text, and Email leads to assist in conversion Company Email Address Onboarding, Training , Coaching Likely Ai Get Paid at Closing
$159/ Month Competative Edge CASH OFFERS Platform Win Listings!!
INCLUDES The Competative Edge program offers everything the basic program has but also includes the CASH OFFER Dashboard..Giving the agent the ability to present CASH OFFERS TO POTENTIAL SELLERS and provides 100% commission (Pay at Closing Only Fee) See fee schedule below. 10-20 Leads per Month (Buyers) Referral Fee 40% for Leads provided 40% Deals 1-10 35% Deals 11+ Follow up boss (CRM) Zipforms plus(Transaction Mgmt) E/O Insurance ISA's ( Inbound Sales Associates) Call, Text, and Email leads to assist in conversion Company Email Address Onboarding, Training , Coaching Likely Ai Get Paid at Closing
$399/Month Real Estate Rockstar!!
INCLUDES 100% Commission..NO PAID AT CLOSING FEE!!! For agents that tend to close 2+ deals per month.The Competative Edge program , CASH OFFER Dashboard..Giving the agent the ability to present CASH OFFERS TO POTENTIAL SELLERS and provides 100% commission (Pay at Closing Only Fee) See fee schedule below. 10-20 Leads per Month (Buyers) Referral Fee 40% for Leads provided 40% Deals 1-10 35% Deals 11+ Follow up boss (CRM) Zipforms plus(Transaction Mgmt) E/O Insurance ISA's ( Inbound Sales Associates) Call, Text, and Email leads to assist in conversion Company Email Address Onboarding, Training , Coaching Likely Ai Get Paid at Closing
Paid At Closing FEE Schedule
*Below are the associate’s paid at closing fee’s, Fee’s do not include any referral fee due to the company or outside lead source.
Paid at Closing Fee
for properties with a closing value of $1 – $250,000
Paid at Closing Fee
for properties with a closing value of $250,001 – $500,000.
Paid at Closing Fee
for properties with a closing value of $500,001 – $750,000
Paid at Closing Fee
for properties with a closing value of $750,001 – $1,000,000 or more
Client Tranaction FEE $495
All Clients represented by FPB at closing will be charged a client transaction fee. The fee will be charged to the client that the associate represents, If both sides are represented by the FPB agent, both sides(clients) will be charged at closing. The Client transaction fee will be listed in the Broker disclosure form as well as all listing agreements. $495